
Blah blah blah

Just checking in to tell everyone that I am still alive.

So, I'm still alive and it's June 1st AND the weather is getting better in Montreal. Finally. I haven't been up to much 'cept for working and watching streaming rugby on the computer. Life is full. Also, I got my cheques from the government... again finally. Those bastards owed me money. 'Bout time someone gave me money for being me. I am going to save some because I needs to have some sort of savings but I also bought myself a brand new Zune mp3 player and I likes it. It's different from the iPod but that's ok, I am getting used to the interface and it's nice to have all my 900 songs on standby for when I need them 'cause sometimes you just gotta groove, you know what I mean?
I have scouring the web in search for new exciting moosic and then downloading them but I seem to have hit a roadblock and can't, for the life of me, think of any new songs. Anyone have any ideas?
Since I have no telly I have also been downloadin' movies and shows (shush, don't narc on me) and I have pretty much seen all the new movies out there. I recommend Star Trek and Up, those were good.
Work is, uh, work. Nothing new there and I spend most of me evenings rereading books, right now it's The Fellowship of the Rings, I tried The Silmarillion but gave up caring because it's so dense. Seriously, it's like the Bible, Aragorn who was son of Arathorn who was son of someone, who was the son of someone else... Damn. The Fellowship is good though, although in rereading it I lament the loss of some of it in the Peter Jackson movie. Ya know, Tom Bombadil and stuff... He was awesome.
I have also been surfing the dubya and discovered that Ruma (my middle name) is Indian for "Vedic Hymn". Lyndy is nowhere to be found and I think I am going to add it into name databases and think up a meaning for it all on my own.

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