
Whoa, dude.

Did you ever kind of forget about something for a little while? Yeah, me too and for the past little while I totally forgot that I even had a blog, which is crazy because I love to write.
Anyhoo, life's been, uh, life and my new job keeps me pretty busy and I would share more with you but I signed a confidentiality agreement and can't discuss patients but believe you me when I tell you some of the things I see are fascinating... and sad... and even sometimes miraculous.
I have been thinking of going to visit Matt in South Africa but it's really expensive to just fly there, also what the hell do I do there once I get there? Just stay at his place waiting for him to return from work to show me the sights? Whatever.

Maybe Italy, at least there I could visit the museums and see all the architecture I actually studied in school.

... Now if I could only find an Italian friend. Hmmm.

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