
The AG takes a hit in her Currie Cup and Tri-Nations Rankings on SuperBru

Yeah, none of you know what I am talking about but I am going to write about it anyway to dull the pain of the Springboks losing to New Zealand and the Sharks losing to the Bulls. My mind still isn't made up how I feel about WP beating the Cheetahs as I like both teams. I don't really know how the rest of the teams did, I mean I feel kinda bad and also, I don't know what a Valke is anyway. It may be a Falcon in Afrikaans. Oh well, another week another chance for superiority in the rugby pools.

1 comment:

James said...

It was a pretty good game too. I don't think Kaino was off-side for the 2nd try. Must have been freezing to play out there!